What is a Workspace?

Workspaces in Juuno are a way of working with multiple projects, campaigns, organizations or segments of your business.  Workspaces are like a sub-section within your Juuno account. They are designed to separate data for different projects, teams, or organisations of your business. 

Each workspace operates independently with its own set of playlists, screens, and schedules, ensuring that different teams or projects can work in isolation without impacting one another

To view or manage your workspaces, navigate to the top-left sidebar of your account (as indicated in the above screenshot) or go directly to Settings > Workspaces at https://app.juuno.co/settings/workspaces.

Managing Workspaces

By default, your first workspace is named after the 'Company' field provided during sign-up. Please note that the free trial account does not include the workspace feature. To view or manage your workspaces, navigate to the top-left sidebar dropdown of your account and click "Manage Workspaces" or go directly to your Settings > Workspaces at https://app.juuno.co/settings/workspaces.

Here is what it looks like when you've upgraded and are managing multiple workspaces. Remember, each workspace requires at least one screen, so ensure you have enough spare screens available for creation.

 You or the users with Administrator access have the ability to edit and delete each workspace.

  • Editing allows you to rename the workspace, modify allocated screens, and manage team members. 
  • Please note that deleting a workspace will permanently remove its screens, playlists, and schedules, and this action cannot be undone.

Creating a New Workspace

If you've upgraded, you can create a new workspace by clicking ' + New Workspace' in your Settings > Workspace at https://app.juuno.co/settings/workspaces

Note that each new workspace requires at least one screen. Should you exceed to your available screens during the creation, the system will prompt you to either:

  • Purchase additional screens
  • Or edit existing workspaces to reallocate screens before proceeding with the creation of a new workspace.

There is no limit to the number of workspaces you can have; however, you can only create additional workspaces as long as you have remaining unallocated screens. 

Team access

We offer two types of users: 

  •  Administrators, who will always have access to all workspaces in the designated account, 
  • Users, whose access you can specify for each workspace. 

To manage team access, you can edit a specific workspace and toggle on/off the users you'd like to include. You can also, visit your Teams page at https://app.juuno.co/settings/team to modify each user's access.

If you wish to add more team members, simply click the ' Add team member' button.

Note: Administrators have access to all pages, including settings and Billing details of the account. In contrast, Users are limited to accessing Screens, Playlists, and Schedules of the Workspace(s) they are assigned to. 

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